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[OOP] Exercises about Property Management System

Some OOP exercises about Property Management System:

  1. Create a class hierarchy to represent different types of properties such as apartments, houses, commercial buildings, etc. Each class should have attributes such as address, number of rooms, square footage, etc.
  2. Develop a class to represent a tenant, with attributes such as name, contact information, lease start and end dates, etc.
  3. Create a class to represent a property manager, with attributes such as name, contact information, and a list of the properties they manage.
  4. Develop a method in the property manager class that allows them to add a new property to their list of managed properties.
  5. Create a method in the tenant class to allow them to pay rent on their lease. This method should update the tenant's balance and generate a receipt.
  6. Develop a method in the property class to calculate the total rent due for a given month. This method should take into account any lease agreements and any late fees that may be due.
  7. Create a class to represent a maintenance request, with attributes such as the date, the tenant who made the request, the property the request is for, and a description of the problem.
  8. Develop a method in the property manager class to handle maintenance requests. This method should allow the manager to assign requests to maintenance staff, track the status of each request, and generate work orders.
  9. Create a method in the property class to calculate the vacancy rate. This method should determine how many units are currently unoccupied and divide that by the total number of units in the property.
  10. Develop a method in the property manager class to generate financial reports for each property they manage. This report should include information such as rent collected, expenses, and any outstanding balances.

Writing methods for a property management system:

  1. Write a method that takes a property ID as input and returns the corresponding property details, such as the property type, location, number of rooms, and price.
  2. Write a method that takes a property ID as input and updates the price of the corresponding property.
  3. Write a method that takes a property type as input and returns a list of all properties of that type.
  4. Write a method that takes a location as input and returns a list of all properties in that location.
  5. Write a method that takes a price range as input and returns a list of all properties within that price range.
  6. Write a method that adds a new property to the system, including all relevant details such as the property type, location, number of rooms, and price.
  7. Write a method that removes a property from the system based on its ID.
  8. Write a method that returns the average price of properties of a specific type.
  9. Write a method that returns the total number of properties in the system.
  10. Write a method that returns the ID of the property with the highest price.

Nguồn: chatGPT

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