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[OOP] Exercises about Hospital Management System

  1. Design a class hierarchy for different types of healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and lab technicians.
  2. Implement a Patient class that has properties such as name, age, and medical history.
  3. Implement a Hospital class that can manage a collection of patients and healthcare professionals.
  4. Implement a Prescription class that allows healthcare professionals to prescribe medications to patients.
  5. Implement a Billing class that tracks the costs associated with a patient's treatment and medication.
  6. Design a class hierarchy for different types of medical tests such as blood tests, urine tests, and X-rays.
  7. Implement a Schedule class that allows patients to schedule appointments with healthcare professionals.
  8. Implement a Waitlist class that allows patients to be added to a waiting list for appointments.
  9. Implement a MedicalRecord class that stores a patient's medical history and treatment details.
  10. Implement a Report class that generates reports about patient treatment, healthcare professional performance, and hospital costs.
Writing methods for a Hospital Management System:

  1. Write a method to add a new patient to the system, which takes parameters such as patient name, age, gender, and medical history. Ensure that the patient is added to the correct department and is assigned a unique ID number.
  2. Write a method to search for a patient by name or ID number, and return their details such as name, age, gender, and medical history.
  3. Write a method to update a patient's medical history, which takes parameters such as the patient ID number and the new medical history. Ensure that the updated medical history is added to the existing medical history.
  4. Write a method to schedule an appointment for a patient with a doctor, which takes parameters such as the patient ID number, doctor name, and appointment date and time. Ensure that the appointment is added to the patient's record and the doctor's schedule.
  5. Write a method to cancel an appointment for a patient, which takes parameters such as the patient ID number and appointment ID. Ensure that the appointment is removed from the patient's record and the doctor's schedule.
  6. Write a method to calculate the total cost of treatment for a patient, which takes parameters such as the patient ID number and the duration of their stay. Ensure that the cost is calculated based on the patient's medical history and the department they are in.
  7. Write a method to generate a report of all patients in a department, which takes parameters such as the department name and a date range. Ensure that the report includes patient details such as name, age, gender, medical history, and appointments.
  8. Write a method to generate a report of all doctors in a department, which takes parameters such as the department name and a date range. Ensure that the report includes doctor details such as name, specialty, and appointments.
  9. Write a method to calculate the average length of stay for patients in a department, which takes parameters such as the department name and a date range.
  10. Write a method to check if a patient is eligible for discharge, which takes parameters such as the patient ID number and their current condition. Ensure that the method considers factors such as the patient's medical history, treatment plan, and recovery progress.

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