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Here are some exercises to practice about Big O and sort algorithm

  1. Write a program in C to implement the bubble sort algorithm to sort an array of integers.
  2. Implement the selection sort algorithm in C to sort an array of integers.
  3. Write a C program to generate an array of random integers and sort it using the bubble sort algorithm.
  4. Use the selection sort algorithm in C to sort an array of strings in alphabetical order.
  5. Analyze the time complexity of the bubble sort algorithm in C using big O notation for an array of n integers.
  6. Compare the performance of the bubble sort and selection sort algorithms in C for sorting an array of 10,000 integers.
  7. Write a C program to sort a linked list of integers using the bubble sort algorithm.
  8. Implement the selection sort algorithm in C to sort a two-dimensional array of integers.
  9. Use the bubble sort algorithm in C to sort an array of structs based on a specific field.
  10. Analyze the best-case, worst-case, and average-case time complexities of the selection sort algorithm in C using big O notation.
  11. Write a C program to sort an array of integers using the bubble sort algorithm in descending order.
  12. Implement the selection sort algorithm in C to sort an array of structures based on multiple fields.
  13. Write a C program to generate an array of random integers and sort it using the selection sort algorithm.
  14. Use the bubble sort algorithm in C to sort an array of floating-point numbers.
  15. Analyze the space complexity of the bubble sort and selection sort algorithms in C using big O notation.
  16. Write a C program to sort a linked list of integers using the selection sort algorithm.
  17. Use the bubble sort algorithm in C to sort an array of strings in reverse alphabetical order.
  18. Implement a modified version of the bubble sort algorithm in C that stops sorting once the array is already sorted.
  19. Write a C program to sort a two-dimensional array of integers using the selection sort algorithm.
  20. Analyze the time complexity of the bubble sort and selection sort algorithms in C for an array of n integers with the best-case, worst-case, and average-case scenarios using big O notation.
  21. Implement the bubble sort algorithm in C to sort a circular linked list of integers.
  22. Write a C program to sort an array of integers using the bubble sort algorithm with early termination if the array is mostly sorted.
  23. Use the selection sort algorithm in C to sort an array of integers in descending order.
  24. Write a C program to generate an array of random integers and sort it using the bubble sort algorithm with the optimized swap operation.
  25. Analyze the time and space complexities of the bubble sort and selection sort algorithms in C for sorting an array of n integers using big O notation.
  26. Implement a modified version of the selection sort algorithm in C that sorts the array in both ascending and descending orders.
  27. Write a C program to sort a linked list of strings using the selection sort algorithm.
  28. Use the bubble sort algorithm in C to sort an array of structures based on a nested field.
  29. Implement the selection sort algorithm in C to sort a two-dimensional array of structures based on a specific field.
  30. Analyze the stability and adaptiveness of the bubble sort and selection sort algorithms in C using big O notation for an array of n integers.
  31. Write a C program to sort an array of integers using the bubble sort algorithm with the optimized swap operation and compare its performance with the standard bubble sort implementation.
  32. Use the selection sort algorithm in C to sort an array of structures based on multiple fields.
  33. Implement the bubble sort algorithm in C to sort a stack of integers.
  34. Write a C program to sort a linked list of structures using the bubble sort algorithm based on a specific field.
  35. Use the selection sort algorithm in C to sort a two-dimensional array of integers in row-wise and column-wise orders.
  36. Analyze the time and space complexities of the bubble sort and selection sort algorithms in C for sorting an array of n integers using the best, worst, and average cases. 
  37. Implement the bubble sort algorithm in C to sort a queue of strings.
  38. Write a C program to sort an array of integers using the bubble sort algorithm with the flag variable to check the sorting status.
  39. Use the selection sort algorithm in C to sort a linked list of integers in descending order.
  40. Analyze the stability and adaptiveness of the bubble sort and selection sort algorithms in C using big O notation for sorting an array of n structures based on multiple fields.

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